
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

// Function to set the calendar to show September or the current month

function showNovemberOrCurrentMonth() {

let today = new Date();

let currentMonth = today.getMonth();

let targetMonth = 8; // September (0-indexed)

// If it's after September, do nothing

if (currentMonth > targetMonth) {



let monthDiff = targetMonth - currentMonth;

// Function to click the next button

function clickNextButton(times) {

let calendarNextButton = document.querySelector('.yui3-calendarnav-nextmonth');

if (calendarNextButton) {

for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {



} else {



// Wait for the calendar to load using MutationObserver

const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, obs) => {

const calendarLoaded = document.querySelector('.yui3-calendarnav-nextmonth');

if (calendarLoaded) {


obs.disconnect(); // Stop observing



// Start observing the target element for changes

observer.observe(document, {

childList: true,

subtree: true




